Bruce Freeman Communications and Safety Officer
Mr. Freeman hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and, as a child, immigrated with his parents to Canada.
He holds a BA (with Great Distinction) with majors in both Anthropology and Sociology (University of Lethbridge), a MA in Social Anthropology (University of Calgary), and has completed all requirements for the PhD in Cultural Anthropology (University of Calgary) with the exception of his thesis. He has also studied German (Goethe-Institut, Rothenburg od der Tauber) and French (Université Laval and Université du Québec à Chicoutimi).
Mr. Freeman has a diverse background: technical trainer for refineries and power plants, social scientist, communications expert, and university instructor. Part of his academic research explored prison populations, where he found that the majority of inmates had learning disabilities. He is acutely aware from his own research of the sociogenic and psychogenic factors associated with criminality and the preventive factors provided through education. Mr. Freeman is encouraged by the emphasis Third Schools places on student success, recognizing how important a positive and productive educational experience for the development of healthy and industrious adults. He is proud to be a senior member of a dedicated team of professionals dedicated to serving Alberta children and their families.