
Our LYNX children are highly active and always on the move. We’ll do our best to help get them where they need to go!

Third Schools operates its own fleet of modern school buses under the name InBus. Our team of dedicated, highly trained, professional school bus drivers will ensure your students will always have a safe ride.

LYNX operates each school day at our southwest Calgary location for our LYNX ECS program and LYNX Grades 1-9 mornings online onsite program.  As well, our LYNX Grades 1-9 online onsite students are bussed from the school site to our Calgary Outdoor Classroom Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

Our school buses are also used for field trips, both within the City of Calgary and to destinations beyond, including Alberta’s magnificent mountain parks.

Most LYNX Grades 1-9 families make their own arrangements for daily transportation.  When parents need to transport their students by car, keep in mind that our families are always in communication with each other through our WhatsApp groups and many do make arrangements for ride shares.

For information about InBus and our transportation services, contact our Transportation Manager Tammy Morton-Renyk at 403-899-2661 or by email.